
Apple pie "Tears of the virgin Mary"
92k 4 - -
Very tasty and tender Apple pie. My family is from him in admiration. Try it, maybe it will be in your heart (or rather stomach :-D ). Recipe about 15 years ago shared with me a girlfriend who went to another world young and beautiful. And this pie in memory of her. She was a native of Western Ukraine, and said that "a cake to bake there all".
Salad "Easy"
92k 3 10м -
Try a simple salad, the name of which speaks for itself. You can still add "tasty". Particularly relevant and the season of ripening of bell peppers.
Fantasy summer
92k 4 - -
I love to cook, not recipes, and as she imagine and invent in your imagination here and this cake was no exception, and tender juicy peaches, as the rays of the sun-soaked summer. On the threshold of school time, classes started from the kids, and this cake will remind you of carefree summer...
Rye cakes with honey
92k 4.5 - -
Delicious and healthy scones. For the sweet tooth you can increase the amount of honey in half.
Cake snack "Breakfast in bed... "
92k 4 40м 6
What could be more touching than a strong man's hand, awkwardly holding ladle, confused eyes of the man she loved in horror staring at the whole kitchen "Arsenal"... unsure of the movement for a stove and a clumsy presentation of meals... ... and all this is erased when we look at his air of satisfaction, pride and confidence when he carries a tray with two cups of coffee, carelessly thrown in the corner of the bed a rose ... and a sweet kiss that wakes us from a sweet dream, a smooth transition into the next... a dream... a dream...
Chicken curry with pineapple in cream
92k 3 20м 2
Continuing the theme of their favorite pasta...
Cookies of puff pastry with poppy seeds
92k 3 - -
Very simple cookies made from puff-yeast dough with poppy seeds. It's that easy!
Lasagna with meat and vegetables
92k 5 90м 6
Daughter asked for a long time to prepare, but did not dare because of the hassle, but in vain! The kids loved it!They say that every Italian family your lasagna recipe. Among the numerous recipes of the same is not found and ventured to put. We have the lasagna sheets are not sold, did itself - is not difficult.
Cottage cheese biscuits "Envelopes"
92k 3 30м -
Simple in ingredients and cooking biscuits with a nice cheese smell and crispy crust.
Spring bread
92k 4 - -
Tasty bread with a dense texture (as well as all rye bread). I found in the Internet, its author is MIA, thank her. In the author's version of bread baking in the oven. I remade this bread for my bread machine and the result were quite pleased. Here cited and the author's version.
Chicken loaf with baked potatoes
92k 4 - -
How to spice up a dish of minced meat and make it with potatoes?! Thought and idea, why not make something like a casserole or terrine, as it will be correct, I don't know. Turned out incredibly delicious and beautiful, perfect for a festive table. From common dishes features a couple of "highlights", in the stuffing I added smoked cheese with smoked ham and potatoes for the filling, I pre-baked in the oven with spices, the result pleased us, as its not quite a standard taste, juicy and with "smoke", and do not so difficult, try it and you will not be disappointed.
Cupcake with pink champagne, chocolate and prunes
92k 5 - -
This muffin was born when the fridge again stagnated an open bottle of champagne. Since I already have experience baking with champagne, and decided this time to use it. The combination of light wine aroma, plum and chocolate proved to be very successful. However, the color of the cupcake pumped up, pink champagne cakes gave a strange tint:)
The eggplant in the marinade
92k 4 60м 4
The dish is very tasty. I advise everyone to cook. The first time I cooked with honey, I liked it.
Eggplant with tomatoes and cheese baked
92k 5 25м -
Relatives came from Yaroslavl and prepared this dish. Now for every holiday we have this appetizer. Fast tasty and juicy.
Summer Salad
92k 5 20м 2
Delicious salads to meat, fish and all.
Cake "Napoleon"
91k 5 40м -
The favorite cake in our family for several generations, nowhere did not try, and here in the recipes is not found. "School time" come, my daughter went into grade 7!
Hot sandwiches
91k 4 45м 12
Of course recipes for hot sandwiches a lot. Want to offer your cooking the so for 10 years. Very tasty, moderately spicy. On the website, this is not found. The point is that the sandwiches lubricated with a mixture of mayonnaise and ketchup. Help yourself.
Bulgarian salad
91k 3 10м 3
Vegetable salad with cottage cheese (cheese)- tasty, useful, fast. In combination with croutons - just super! Bulgarian - because it treated the Bulgarians!!!
Roll "yum - Yum"
91k 5 70м 6
Baked meat with mushrooms in puff pastry. This roll is delicious either hot or cold.
Roll potato with meat and mushrooms
91k 4 40м -
A gentle roll.
Apple pie from aunt Amy
91k 5 - -
Yes, recipes for all sorts of "Apple pies" on the website of 9 pages. That is why your recipe for a long time did not spread... But recently I read on one of the forums of our website, view that sometimes good ideas do not spread because of the fact that already have a lot of similar recipes, and people simply do not dare to place another clone. Though often in vain, because it is possible that their recipe is very good. This recipe can only say that all who try this option need to stop trying to look for any other... So it was in our family, when we tried the Apple pie at aunt Amy, for which many thanks to her. The recipe has no baking soda and other substances raspugivali, only flour, eggs, sugar and oil. The ratio of ingredients just matched perfectly. It always turns out air, high, insanely delicious. Safely stored for several days and not lose the taste, so we love to do it in the road. I am sure that this Apple pie will not only be my favorite.