Anti-cellulite diet

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Advice on nutrition

cellulitis preference should be for food of plant origin: for uncrushed grain, fruit, vegetables, berries. Such foods are rich in organic acids, fiber, pectin.

This natural complex in itself contributes to the normalization of metabolic processes and accelerate burning of fat reserves. Due to its mineral composition of plant foods normalizes water-salt balance.

the menu can be present as seeds and nuts – they are a source of healthy fatty acids. It is important to remember that these foods have high calorie content – you can include them in the diet in minimal amounts. In addition to the compliance measures it is important to adhere to another rule: if cellulite is impossible to use salted seeds and nuts.

Plant foods is not able to provide us with sufficient amounts of protein. To restore the correct balance to allow lean protein foods: lean meats, fish, poultry, low-fat dairy products, eggs.

Meat is recommended to eat 2-3 times a week, cheese is introduced into the diet twice or thrice a week (optimal serving size – 30-60 g).

Baking with the cellulite is eliminated to the maximum. It is permissible to enter into the diet useful types of bread: whole grain, bran, flour of coarse grinding.

Wanting to get rid of cellulite bumps, will have to seriously restrict or eliminate from the diet sugar and charcodebase products.

To in the body is not delayed excess moisture, it is recommended to limit the consumption of salt and any salty foods. If possible, it should at least temporarily go on a salt-free diet. To improve the taste of food will allow the dried herbs, soy sauce, lemon juice, Apple cider vinegar.

in Addition to the above products are subject to exclusion:
• Mayonnaise and other fatty sauces
• Any canned food
• Cocoa milk coffee
• Chocolate and confectionery products,
• Alcoholic beverages
• Fatty meats and poultry
• Any semi-finished and sausage products
• Refractory fat
• Sweet juices and soft drinks
• Fat dairy products, yogurt with toppings

to prevent the blood sugar swings, it is recommended to eat 4-6 times a day. Before meals you can drink a glass of water without gas. After eating, you need to refrain from drinking for at least an hour. Optimal norm of free liquids: 6-8 glasses per day.

as snacking is recommended to use products with minimum calorie (non-starchy vegetables and sour-sweet fruits perfectly meet this requirement).

Products can be boiled, cook in a double boiler, bake without using fat, stew. Frying in fat increases the caloric intake.

Anti-cellulite diet for 10 days

following a diet very strict.

Sample menu

Days № 1, 3, 5, 7, 9
• all day: fresh vegetables, berries and fruit, still water, freshly prepared juices

Days № 2, 4, 6, 8, 10
• Breakfast: unsalted porridge (e.g., brown rice), boiled in water (oil can not add), salad of green vegetables, seasoned with a small amount of unrefined oil and lemon juice
• lunch and snack: boiled or fresh vegetables
• Lunch: vegetable soup without potatoes, fruit, freshly made juice
• Dinner: large portion of vegetable salad with vegetable oil and herbs

Please note that such anti-cellulite diet is virtually eliminating protein foods. If you care about your health, enrich menu boiled egg, a serving of lean meat, boiled (100-120 g), baked or steamed fish (150 g), low-fat yogurt.


Judging by the reviews, diet, backed up by massage treatments, wraps and sports, are really able to gradually smooth out cellulite bumps.