Spicy vegetables with rice

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Some time ago I saw this recipe in the cooking gear, and since this dish is a frequent guest on our menu. Interesting contrast of tastes of sweet pumpkin and salty rice.

Ingredients for Spicy vegetables with rice

Step by step instruction of cooking Spicy vegetables with rice

Шаг 1

Boil the rice, lightly salted. Chop the onion.

Шаг 2

To prepare the spinach.

Шаг 3

Cut the pumpkin in small cubes, chili rings.

Шаг 4

Garlic finely chop, ginger RUB on a grater.

Шаг 5

Heat in a frying pan and sesame oil, add garlic, chilli, pumpkin, ginger, honey, pour 1/2 Cup hot water and simmer until cooked pumpkin.

Шаг 6

Then add the spinach and half of chopped onion. Saute for 1 minute. Pour soy sauce, add rice, sweet paprika, stir and leave on heat for another 1-2 minutes. To serve, sprinkle the remaining onions.

Шаг 7

For this dish I used pickles "KIKKOMAN".