Pie "Oregon"

1k - 60 минут 6 порции

Pie gave the name in honor of the peas, which made the pie. You always want to baking with the test was as useful as possible. This time I not only made the filling delicious, healthy and unusual pea green dough with the addition of spinach. This combination cake is beautiful, satisfying, most useful, you can eat a piece even for those who are on a diet. The dough due to the pea puree was very soft and gentle fit.

Ingredients for Pie "Oregon"

Step by step instruction of cooking Pie "Oregon"

Шаг 1

1. Peas Oregon from Mistral to boil.

Шаг 2

2. When it is well boiled soft, drain the water, to make the pea puree.

Шаг 3

3. The dough I made in the bread maker. Poured warm water, vegetable oil, egg, pea puree. Spinach welded 1 minute and added to the dough.

Шаг 4

4. Add the flour, salt, yeast, sugar. Flour can go in different ways, depending what pea the time, I was a bit watery. Put on dough mode and you can do filling. Cabbage to chop, saute with onions, mushrooms and greens.

Шаг 5

5. The dough is ready, it turned out more green than in the photo.

Шаг 6

6. Divide the dough into two pieces, roll out thinly. Put the stuffing on one piece, close second. Put in preheated oven, bake for 25-35 minutes until Golden brown.

Шаг 7

7. We have come spring, the flowering almonds, plums and apricots

Шаг 8

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