Mushroom soup

0.8k - 70 минут 4 порции

This is the most delicious soup that I had the opportunity to try! I hope it taste like to You, dear cooks!

Ingredients for Mushroom soup

Step by step instruction of cooking Mushroom soup

Шаг 1

Mushrooms cut into slices and boil in 1.2 l of water, removing the foam, about 30 min. sieve the Broth.

Шаг 2

Potato, onion and carrot finely chop and fry in butter.
Broth bring to a boil, add the vegetables and simmer for 20 min.

Шаг 3

At the end of cooking, add the mushrooms, parsley, Bay leaf, salt, pepper to taste and cook for another 15 min.
When serving, sprinkle soup with chopped herbs. Serve sour cream separately.