Porridge of millet, based risotto

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I often cook the porridge of millet, like sweet milk and salty with bacon. Today I want to offer the option of porridge on the motives of the risotto.

Ingredients for Porridge of millet, based risotto

Step by step instruction of cooking Porridge of millet, based risotto

Шаг 1

1. Finely chop the onion.

Шаг 2

2. In skillet, heat half the oil, fry the onions until transparent.

Шаг 3

3. Add to the pan millet, pour in the stock. When the broth comes to a boil pour in the wine.

Шаг 4

4. Reduce heat and cook millet 12-14 minutes.

Шаг 5

5. At the end add the remaining butter and cheese, mix well.

Шаг 6

6. Bacon fry in a dry pan. Serve the kasha with a strip of bacon.
Bon appetit!