Baked chicken "Bean fun"

0.8k - 40 минут 6 порции

Friends, casseroles we all love! And they certainly owe the people! We are often in the recipes they come to the rescue! So a hearty feed, and the holiday will bring! Today I want to offer the recipe simple and easy! Someone to love and will love this! Chicken tender, with her beans, in a dish play a special role! The sauce is to discuss don't have to! Creamy, cheesy, he's in shape will join! Bake fragrant, is delicious for the whole family! You take forever in the chest of prizes!

Ingredients for Baked chicken "Bean fun"

Step by step instruction of cooking Baked chicken "Bean fun"

Шаг 1


Шаг 2

Onions and garlic cut into cubes, finely chop the greens, the beans, rinse in a colander, and drain off liquid.

Шаг 3

The chicken should be washed, dried, and pan-fried in hot oil until lightly Golden in color, then season with salt and pepper, and transfer to a plate.

Шаг 4

In a pan, where roasted chicken, put onion, garlic, slightly fry, then add the beans, broth, tomato paste, bring to boil, cover with a lid and on small fire to put out 7 minutes.

Шаг 5

Then add all the spices, bulk herbs, mix well.

Шаг 6

In the form of spread bean mixture

Шаг 7

Top chicken

Шаг 8

Cream mix well with grated cheese

Шаг 9

Pour the chicken with beans

Шаг 10

Bake in preheated oven for 20-25 minutes. (if you have a fillet, not overdry)

Шаг 11

Casserole is ready. I have Parmesan cheese sprinkled.
Once again I remind you friends, you can take any part of the chicken. thighs, drumsticks, etc..

Шаг 12

Bon appetit!