Pancakes with cheese filling and spicy sauce

0.8k - 45 минут 10 порции

Delicious and simple. For diversity on the table that will bring a spicy touch to your meal

Ingredients for Pancakes with cheese filling and spicy sauce

Step by step instruction of cooking Pancakes with cheese filling and spicy sauce

Шаг 1

Pancakes always cook according to the recipe..http://www. /show/121811/.-get are tender, delicious and never stick to the pan

Шаг 2

In cheese, add horseradish

Шаг 3

Then the chopped dill and sunflower oil TM"they"

Шаг 4

Honey to connect with nefertem garlic

Шаг 5

Add the sunflower oil TM "they" salt and pepper

Шаг 6

Whip the mass in a blender

Шаг 7

Pour sauce in a gravy boat for feeding

Шаг 8

Begin to spread the filling on the pancakes and fold them into a tube

Шаг 9

Decorate and serve it. Bon appetite dear!