Fried chicken without oil

413 - 40 минут 6 порции

The whole family almost completely abandoned some products, including butter and mayonnaise. Try new healthy recipes. And so, this recipe in my kitchen today debut. Then will work on the bugs. You are also trying to eat right? Then try!

Ingredients for Fried chicken without oil

Step by step instruction of cooking Fried chicken without oil

Шаг 1

Cut the fillet, but my mistake #1 sliced very thinly, you need a little thicker

Шаг 2

Slightly beats. My mistake #2 was badly repulsed:) Grate garlic, spices and salt. I replaced salt with soy sauce

Шаг 3

Cut parchment paper. The size depends on the size of the pieces

Шаг 4

Fillet spread on a paper, cover tightly and pressed

Шаг 5

You can trim the edges for convenience

Шаг 6

The pan is pre-heated, the oil need not be added. On a hot pan spread chicken in paper. From each side fry it for 7-8 minutes more, otherwise it will be dry. Place on a plate to give a moment to relax

Шаг 7

The only BUT : after cooking in some places, hard leaves paper. In defense I can say that tasty, juicy, for me this is important!
Bon appetit!