The Chinese cabbage salad with Apple

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Cabbage is very easy to prepare and goes well with other vegetables and even fruit. Besides, it is delicious and rich in vitamins. So today we will prepare a salad from it and other veggies in the fridge. For tenderness and juiciness add the Apple.

Ingredients for The Chinese cabbage salad with Apple

Step by step instruction of cooking The Chinese cabbage salad with Apple

Шаг 1

Cabbage shinkuem.

Шаг 2

Three carrots on a medium grater.

Шаг 3

Add shabby on a large grater Apple.

Шаг 4

Cut green onions and dill.
Tear the spinach with your hands into small pieces.
You can add parsley.

Шаг 5

Prepare the dressing of "Oleyna", soy sauce and lemon juice.
Stir, taste for salt. You can add ground black pepper.

Шаг 6

The salad is ready - easy, immediate, rich in vitamins.
Bon appetit!