Latvian cold soup "Vasara"

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Vasara in translation from Latvian it means - summer. I know, the site already has a great variety of different Sokolnikov, but our Latvian version has its own unique features. He certainly is prepared on the basis of pickled beets and add mayonnaise. For opponents of the affordable and mayonnaise version of the diet.

Ingredients for Latvian cold soup "Vasara"

Step by step instruction of cooking Latvian cold soup "Vasara"

Шаг 1

Our set of products. In Latvia a cold soup traditionally use only the pickled beets you can buy in any store or marinate it yourself.

Шаг 2

As with any cold soup, vegetables, greens, eggs and sausage it is necessary to finely chop.

Шаг 3

Boil beetroot and cut into thin sticks or grate on a grater for Korean carrot.
Now you need to boil the marinade for this, 300 ml of water add 2 tbsp. bright wine vinegar, allspice, cloves, Bay leaf, salt and sugar. The amount of vinegar, salt and sugar are approximate, because the marinade we are going to pour in the soup, it is important to taste You personally liked. Boil the marinade for 5 minutes, cooled to about 60 degrees and fill them with beets. I have beets marinated for 2 hours.

Шаг 4

Mix all the ingredients together and diluted to the desired density of the very cold water.
Cold soup is delicious even in this form, if you want you can season with sour cream and finely chopped garlic.

Шаг 5

In my family all love mayonnaise, so a cold soup, I always cook with his addition. If you use homemade mayonnaise, and the reasons for special concern.

Шаг 6

First time trying a cold soup for this recipe, I always forgot about sokolnikah yogurt. Highly recommend it to try.
The cooking time is indicated without the account of time spent on cooking and pickling the beets.

Bon appetit!