Language in tomato sauce with barley

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The basis for this dish was the recipe Moroccan cuisine from the Elder hankishieva - "beef tongue with lemons and olives". Slightly changing the recipe, I decorated our dinner chic hot. The language before us in a new light. But it's very cool to cook a new of your friends favorite products. Help yourself.

Ingredients for Language in tomato sauce with barley

Step by step instruction of cooking Language in tomato sauce with barley

Шаг 1

Beef tongue cook for 1 hour, adding the onion and carrots, until tender. We need to clean up.

Шаг 2

At this time, boil the pearl barley. I use grits from TM Mistral. Clean, large grains, even do not have to wash. Cook according to the instructions on the package. At the end add salt.

Шаг 3

While the language of stew and barley, to prepare the peppers for stuffing. Wash and scrub.

Шаг 4

Boiled tongue clean. It is easier to do by placing it immediately in cold water.

Шаг 5

Slice the tongue on the washer, then another in half.

Шаг 6

In a pot or deep pan put the sliced tongue, onions and crushed in a meat grinder tomatoes.

Шаг 7

Add chopped parsley, oil, garlic, crushed in a mortar sesame seeds, paprika.

Шаг 8

Stuff peppers to the cooked barley.

Шаг 9

Put to the language of the peppers, pour boiling water to plunged all products. Simmer over low heat for 1 hour.

Шаг 10

Then place the olives. Season with salt to taste, season with ground black pepper. Simmer for another 5 - 7 minutes.