Herring in caviar sauce

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Usually buy salted herring in cans of 1500гр. Basically, there are 4 fish (at least 3pc). Often catches fish with caviar. Then we have the family comes a small celebration stomach. Prepare a delicious spread on bread (especially delicious with Borodino bread).

Ingredients for Herring in caviar sauce

Step by step instruction of cooking Herring in caviar sauce

Шаг 1

One of herring to remove the tail and head, to clean, gut. Whenever possible, remove the bone. Fillet chopped with a knife into small pieces.

Шаг 2

Prepare eggs four herrings. To remove the tape.

Шаг 3

Grainy mustard I got vigorous. Was added little by little, tried. Be guided by your taste.

Шаг 4

Mix fish fillets, caviar, mayonnaise and mustard. Mix well.

Шаг 5

Fold in a jar. Store in the refrigerator.