Veal "ker-u-SUS"

2.2k - 60 минут 10 порции

... or veal or "Eat and be quiet". A very tasty variation of grilled meat with slices of sweet peppers, pickled cucumbers and fried potatoes. Smelling food and seeing a savory dish, anyone would understand the meaning of the name. Recipe from the book "the Armenian cuisine" series "Bread and salt". Cook is not the first time and significantly remade for themselves.

Ingredients for Veal "ker-u-SUS"

Step by step instruction of cooking Veal "ker-u-SUS"

Шаг 1

Slice the meat with no veins and cloth strips. Sweet pepper cut into thin strips. Cucumbers cut into small pieces.

Шаг 2

Potatoes wash, peel, cut into strips and fry in vegetable oil until tender. When potatoes are half ready, add the chopped onion and melted butter. Salt. The potatoes to fry until cooked.

Шаг 3

Meat fry on high heat in a hot pan, greased with vegetable oil, in a single layer until Golden Podarok. Repeat step until you run out of meat.

Шаг 4

Return to the pan with all the meat, add sweet pepper, cucumber and green peas (if you cook with it), salt and fry all together for 30 minutes on the fire a little more than the minimum, stirring occasionally, until cooked meat and vegetables. When meat and vegetables are ready, add all the spices, stir, then another 5 minutes. To rectify of salt and pepper ready.

Шаг 5

Serve with fried potatoes and sprinkle with finely chopped sellnew.

Шаг 6

Bon appetit!