Salad "Fish eggplant"

0.6k - 40 минут 4 порции

When I first tried the salad, did not even realize that the present composition of eggplant!!! Tender, savory, hearty, fish! Try...

Ingredients for Salad "Fish eggplant"

Step by step instruction of cooking Salad "Fish eggplant"

Шаг 1

Eggplant and pepper bake in the oven, cool, peel, chop. Onion fry. The fish we pull from the jar and mash with a fork

Шаг 2

If we do layers, then act in the following sequence: fish, onion...

Шаг 3

Pepper, grease with mayonnaise...

Шаг 4

Eggplant, you can also grease with mayonnaise... And, in General, the juicy vegetables, fish saury too chubby and juicy. It is possible to do without mayonnaise. Decide for yourself...

Шаг 5

Principem top with cheese and decorate with walnuts, here, by the way, it is even the topic. And it is possible to dress the salad, add the cooked egg and garnish with it on top of the yolk and greens...