Potato lapseki in the pan

1.1k - 15 минут 4 порции

Offer to cook a very delicious potato cakes with spices in a frying pan. The ingredients are more than affordable, and easy to prepare. Tortillas taste like hychiny, but preparing a little bit easier.

Ingredients for Potato lapseki in the pan

Step by step instruction of cooking Potato lapseki in the pan

Шаг 1

Pre-boiled potatoes mash into a puree

Шаг 2

Add the spices and salt. Spices can replace fresh herbs (eg fresh Basil). Add the egg and stir

Шаг 3

Mix the flour with the baking powder.

Шаг 4

Knead the flour with the potato mixture to the dough.
Flour is better to add parts, because the dough may take more or less flour.
The dough should be very soft. To make it easier to work with the dough working surface grease with vegetable oil.

Шаг 5

Cut the dough into portions for rolling out

Шаг 6

Roll out into a thin pellet.

Шаг 7

Lubricating oil the pan and fry on both sides.
You can fry without oil, work is also very tasty.
Serve with sour cream