Eggs in the package "taste"

0.8k - 10 минут 2 порции

But Breakfast has not been canceled and will not be canceled, even on holidays... Let's make it beautiful, useful and tasty. Help yourself.

Ingredients for Eggs in the package "taste"

Step by step instruction of cooking Eggs in the package "taste"

Шаг 1

Eggs to wash, break, separate the whites from the yolks.
Divided into two proteins.

Шаг 2

Peppers and onions wash, dry, finely chop,
add in proteins, salt and mix.

Шаг 3

The oven bag cut into squares of 25*25 cm, brush in the middle of the vegetable oil. Pour protein with vegetables and 2 egg yolks in a bowl.

Шаг 4

To put in the bag, tie tight.

Шаг 5

Cook for 4 minutes.

Шаг 6

Submit garnish with herbs and roasted sesame seeds, with butter.