Chicken "Witch"

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Another chicken with insanely delicious filling for lovers of new sensations. Olenka (Kapelkappa )recipe as promised, just for you.

Ingredients for Chicken "Witch"

Step by step instruction of cooking Chicken "Witch"

Шаг 1

With processed chicken to remove the skin (read more here:http://www.pov ow/16896/.%D0%A2%D0% B0%D0%BC).

Шаг 2

Cut the meat from the bones.

Шаг 3

The obtained fillet mince together ham,

Шаг 4

Prunes, onions and garlic.
Season the mince with salt,

Шаг 5

Add the cherries and butter, mix well.

Шаг 6

To stuff the chicken, sew up the abdomen.

Шаг 7

Wrap the chicken in foil.
Put on a baking pan with water, bake in the oven for 1 hour.

Шаг 8

Remove foil, brush chicken with mayonnaise with mustard. Bake until crisp (10 - 15 minutes).