Warm salad of green lentils with spinach

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It's a salad. And can serve as a tasty side dish. Lean, healthy and tasty! And preparing, again, easy and simple!

Ingredients for Warm salad of green lentils with spinach

Step by step instruction of cooking Warm salad of green lentils with spinach

Шаг 1

The lentils soak for an hour in cold water. Rinse, fill with water to barely cover it, and boil for 30 minutes.
As will become soft finish.

Шаг 2

Add the spinach with the boiled lentils ,stir again.
Then add balsamic vinegar, salt, pepper, fry another minute, stirring occasionally.

Шаг 3

Ready! Served warm! Very tasty!

Шаг 4

And useful!