Mustard at home

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I have often, at the wrong time ends mustard. And use it in cooking, I often add the marinade, in salad dressing, sauces, etc. When it ended, once again, I decided it was time to try to make mustard itself. Tried it, it worked such vigorous horcicka breaks to tears. But quite by accident I managed to make it even more spicy. How? come and see.

Ingredients for Mustard at home

Step by step instruction of cooking Mustard at home

Шаг 1

Mustard powder to sift through.

Шаг 2

Pour boiling water, mix well, flatten the top and pour a thin layer of boiling water. Leave for 5-6 hours.

Шаг 3

It is difficult in this case wish to enjoy your meal, but that it improves your appetite, so it definitely!