Chicken drumsticks in the test

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Menu Saturday lunch was scheduled "Legs in the test"- delicious main dish. Bought puff pastry, and it turned out to be not suitable for the recipe (the dough is melted, the cooking time is doubled). That's what turned legs...

Ingredients for Chicken drumsticks in the test

Step by step instruction of cooking Chicken drumsticks in the test

Шаг 1


Шаг 2

- chicken legs salt, pepper, fry until cooked in a pan without adding oil (legs let your juice) :’ (

Шаг 3

- roll the dough, cut it into "ribbons" for 3 cm wide :’ (

Шаг 4

- wrap the chicken legs

Шаг 5

+ cheese+ an orange in the dough

Шаг 6

Шаг 7

- bake in the oven until cooked dough (according to the instructions on the label)

Шаг 8

Шаг 9

Шаг 10