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A bit unusual, but I found on a German site a waffle and tried. I wonder sometimes, for variety and such a mini-pizza to do. The filling can be any, I've done mushroom.

Ingredients for Waffles-pizza

Step by step instruction of cooking Waffles-pizza

Шаг 1

Make a well in flour, pour yeast, sugar and pour 100 ml of warm water.
To preporuciti the top with flour, cover with a towel, put in a warm place for 15 minutes.
Then pour 250 ml of warm water, add salt, pepper, dry spices, egg and oil.
Mix thoroughly, cover and leave for another 30 minutes in the heat.

Шаг 2

Olives cut into circles, add approached the dough. By the way, you can add dried tomatoes, finely chopped (I have at this point). Mix

Шаг 3

And bake as ordinary waffles. Poured about 2/3 of a ladle.

Шаг 4

Cool waffles better on the grill, otherwise it will become soft.

Шаг 5

For the filling, put the mushrooms and tomatoes with garlic and herbs.

Шаг 6

Spread the filling as regular pizza, top with grated cheese and put in hot oven for 5-7 minutes.
Of course, the filling may be any according to your taste.

Шаг 7

The finished wafers can be stored for several days. In the morning, take a waffle, put on it whatever toppings, cheese and in the oven. In 5 minutes you can have Breakfast!