Salad of eggplant

462 5 / 5 35 минут 5 порции

In principle, it is nothing new. But the method of cooking was new to me. Usually all this is done much easier and faster. And today the hot oven made me this option. Turned out very tasty

Ingredients for Salad of eggplant

Step by step instruction of cooking Salad of eggplant

Шаг 1

In General step-by-step photos, as such, no. Not going to put the recipe.

One large eggplant cut into rings and spread on a baking sheet, no greasing.
Next put the seeded pepper whole in the oven for 7-10min at 200*C
At this time, carrots three on a coarse grater,
grind onion,
tomato cut into slices and parboil for all in sunflower oil.
From the oven to get tender vegetables. Peeled and eggplant and pepper.
Pepper cut into stripes, put the eggplant in the skillet to searce all together and stew until ready.
Garlic press and add.
Sprinkle with spices and herbs. Pour a spoon of vinegar.

Шаг 2

Let cool slightly and eat. Very tasty and flavorful it turned out. Bon appetit!