Casserole "Assorted"

0.5k 3 / 5 60 минут 8 порции

I love casseroles, and this combines vegetables, useful, vegetables, and meat. And what is also important is prepared quickly! My brother doesn't like buckwheat, and this dish was eating for both cheeks!

Ingredients for Casserole "Assorted"

Step by step instruction of cooking Casserole "Assorted"

Шаг 1

Meat cut into small pieces (you can use beef), lay rosemere buckwheat.

Шаг 2

Slice carrots in rings.

Шаг 3

Sprinkle the meat with spices, season with salt and top with carrot spread.

Шаг 4

Top layer sprinkle the green beans, pour all the milk. And in the oven for 30-40 minutes at a temperature of 200 deg.

Шаг 5

To the casserole on the plate you can add fresh tomatoes.
Bon appetit!