Salad "Soltini kids"

0.5k - 30 минут 6 порции

Gentle, fast and beautiful salad!

Ingredients for Salad "Soltini kids"

Step by step instruction of cooking Salad "Soltini kids"

Шаг 1

Boil chicken

Шаг 2

And separate meat into strips or cut into pieces of medium size.

Шаг 3

Cut onion into half rings and fry lightly. Then spread on a napkin to remove excess fat.

Шаг 4

Potatoes cut into thin strips. You can use a grater for carrots in Korean. I did just that)

Шаг 5

From boiled eggs separate the whites and grate them on a coarse grater. Mix with the chicken.

Шаг 6

Add the onions and potatoes.

Шаг 7

Let us "baby". Grind the egg yolks. Add the mayonnaise and finely chopped greens.
I used dill.

Шаг 8

All thoroughly mix and roll balls, similar to a small egg.

Шаг 9

Spread the salad on a plate, in the center put kids, decorate in a circle of potatoes or greens. I have potatoes with onions.

Шаг 10

I supplied even in these baskets)