Pork "Big love"

0.7k - 60 минут 2 порции

Whether You love meat like I love him???!!!!:) Stuffed with mushrooms pork with a slightly tangy taste. Favorite was just happy :)

Ingredients for Pork "Big love"

Step by step instruction of cooking Pork "Big love"

Шаг 1

So, take a big, juicy piece of pork pulp and make in it cuts the mesh.
Stuff in the following order: to-cut - a slice of mushroom, and another clove of garlic

Шаг 2

Prepare the marinade: mix 2 tsp. adzhika and 2 tsp vegetable oil

Шаг 3

Impregnate the meat with marinade. And cover with a cloth, let it slightly saturated (not more than 15 minutes

Шаг 4

In a deep pan put the remaining part of the mushrooms is a "bed" for meat

Шаг 5

Put our piece on the "bed," and in an oven heated to 180 degrees.
45-50 min. and the meat is ready. Do not forget from time to time to pour the juice.

Шаг 6

Bon appetit! :)