Chicken "On a stick"

0.6k - 20 минут 1 порции

When I was little, loved lollipops and ice cream on a stick. And now do not give up these Goodies. As suddenly met in the vast expanses of the Internet interpretation of children's Goodies. So make!

Ingredients for Chicken "On a stick"

Step by step instruction of cooking Chicken "On a stick"

Шаг 1

Take two chicken wings, thoroughly washed and spread on a cutting Board.

Шаг 2

Take one of the "parts" cut in from one side the skin and "tighten" the meat to the opposite edge.

Шаг 3

So done with each piece. In smaller parts of the two wing bones, because you need also to remove the bone, which is smaller.

Шаг 4

Get "caramel" is smaller.
All pieces salt and pepper to taste.

Шаг 5

After a set to warm up the oil. Since I only made one portion, it was enough for me and metal cups.

Шаг 6

Egg whisk,

Шаг 7

add the flour, make a batter; add few salt.

Шаг 8

Each "caramel" dip in batter,

Шаг 9

and then carefully roll in the bread-crackers.

Шаг 10

Drop in the already heated oil, fry for 5-7 minutes.

Шаг 11

It turned out here such here the chicken "on a stick".

Шаг 12

All a pleasant appetite!