
1.1k - 40 минут 4 порции

A feast of laughter, dear cooks. All of you positive mood and plenty of smiles. Help yourself!

Ingredients for Curls-hohotushki

Step by step instruction of cooking Curls-hohotushki

Шаг 1

Ready puff pastry roll, spread with sour cream. It is possible to sour cream to add greens, but I got it today at hand was not.

Шаг 2

Sausage cut into thin slices, cheese - slices. Put on the dough sausage and cheese.

Шаг 3

Turn rolls and cut into pieces about 2-2,5 see

Шаг 4

On a greased baking sheet put our curls and into the oven for 20-25 minutes.

Шаг 5

Bon appetit!