Bread from whole wheat flour with sprouted mung beans

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Now as I write about the dangers of the thermophilic yeast, I decided to go to cakes and pastries homemade bread. And if white flour, replace with whole grain, which retains all the vitamins and minerals in the form of the shell and germ of wheat, and in the process of kneading add any sprouted grain, it will be doubly useful.

Ingredients for Bread from whole wheat flour with sprouted mung beans

Step by step instruction of cooking Bread from whole wheat flour with sprouted mung beans

Шаг 1

First we need to sprout the grain. I have a grain mash, but not necessarily. You can take any of the grains such as lentil, wheat, chickpea or buckwheat at worst.

Шаг 2

Then make a dough from flour and glass of whey, maybe a little more. In General, as long as you take the dough. The serum can be replaced by water. I make homemade cheese and cottage cheese, I have it is a lot. We drink, and the remainder added to the batter. To add salt to the dough, sugar, soda and crushed in a blender sprouts. Divide the dough into 4-5 balls. If you want thinner tortillas, you can.

Шаг 3

Roll out flat cakes and fry in a well heated pan on both sides until Golden brown. The smell of them it reminds me of pasties.

Шаг 4

Here such turned out handsome!