Paste "Fitness"

459 - 15 минут 1 порции

It is time the first vegetables and a wonderful, fragrant, freshly picked greens. I love the flavor of Basil when it disrupted the beds, everything is filled with this magical scent that is fully disclosed in the dish. A gentle fluffy sage adds flavor.

Ingredients for Paste "Fitness"

Step by step instruction of cooking Paste "Fitness"

Шаг 1

Vegetable peeler, thinly slice young zucchini and boil it for 10 minutes in steamer.

Шаг 2

Avocado cut into cubes.

Шаг 3

Sage and Basil to break it into random pieces.

Шаг 4

Grate the cheese on a grater.

Шаг 5

Mix cooked zucchini with avocado.

Шаг 6

Add sage, Basil, and stir.
Sprinkle with grated cheese.
Help yourself! Very tasty and very useful.