Cottage cheese donuts with icing

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I love donuts, but they get fat, and those in the oil does not absorb. This me and like!

Ingredients for Cottage cheese donuts with icing

Step by step instruction of cooking Cottage cheese donuts with icing

Шаг 1

Our ingredients are only of soda is not enough.

Шаг 2

Whisk the eggs with the sugar into foam.

Шаг 3

Add baking soda, flour, cottage cheese, vanilla, and mix everything thoroughly until smooth.

Шаг 4

Osipyan piece of dough and make of him a flapjack.

Шаг 5

Then take a glass and bore hole.

Шаг 6

This is our preparation for a donut.

Шаг 7

Drop into hot oil...

Шаг 8

Шаг 9

The process has begun.

Шаг 10

We have many circles of donuts.

Шаг 11

We will do a waste-free production, we have them there, in the oil...
Such cute "kolobovka" work.

Шаг 12

Was zagazirovanie.

Шаг 13

On top sprinkle with coconut and spread on a dish.

Шаг 14

Шаг 15