Meat loaf

1k - 90 минут 6 порции

Will end soon and the post will be Easter! I want to offer you a very interesting recipe for vegetable casserole with meat. Well, very tasty!

Ingredients for Meat loaf

Step by step instruction of cooking Meat loaf

Шаг 1

Such products we need. I took the vegetables except onions, arbitrarily, but together they should be 300g. And yet, the cabbage should be soft or it can be replaced by broccoli or cauliflower.

Шаг 2

All the vegetables need to mince or grate. Also, we need bacon, I took 2 packages. The beef I have ready, mixed. Oh and chicken meat.

Шаг 3

All peremeshaem, add salt to taste, pepper. The egg do not forget to add.

Шаг 4

Take the form, for the bread which you use. Vystelim necessarily paper. Then put on the bottom half of the bacon, vistream them bottom. And put our stuffing. And ostalnoe bacon spread on top.

Шаг 5

Put in oven at 175 gr. 45 min., I held a little longer than 45, be guided by your oven. the juice will be then highlighted in the form, but not terrible, it can be used for sauce. That will be the loaf is ready.

Шаг 6

Allow it to cool and cut! Bon appetit!