Vegetarian salad with mango and avocado

0.6k - 20 минут 2 порции

Despite the well-known formula "the first, second and compote", I love during dinner be limited to salad. But there are days when the body requires something more cucumbers and tomatoes, then the course is avocado. And mango is a nice addition, because I love him very much.

Ingredients for Vegetarian salad with mango and avocado

Step by step instruction of cooking Vegetarian salad with mango and avocado

Шаг 1

Avocado peeled, remove the bone and cut into small cubes.

Шаг 2

Also coming with mango.

Шаг 3

Tomatoes cut into rings, preferably thinner.

Шаг 4

And in the same way we cut the onions.
(I came across an Israeli bow oblong shape, the taste is no different from the usual red.)

Шаг 5

Finely cut iceberg lettuce.

Шаг 6

All the ingredients are mixed and dressed with olive oil, salt and ground pepper.

Шаг 7

Bon appetit!