Cake "Tower Rapunzel"

0.7k - 40 минут 2 порции

Delicious and adorable dessert - cake with a delicate taste of vanilla and chocolate, citrus and blueberry. Black and white. Sour and sweet. Unusual cream of rice cereal - no one will know. Tasty and healthy. For the holidays in the Post - I recommend! Try it!

Ingredients for Cake "Tower Rapunzel"

Step by step instruction of cooking Cake "Tower Rapunzel"

Шаг 1

To create this dessert, I needed the following products.

Шаг 2

Bake a cake of the desired shape, I - in special. ring. At a temperature of 170S 25-30 minutes. I check the readiness of the hand, slightly on top of touch it felt elastic.
Bake, remove, cool, cut. I made 2 rings with a diameter of 10 cm.

Шаг 3

Start making delicious cream! Cook rice gruel at the rate of 1 Cup rice Krispies 2 tbsp. water. I used a favorite cereal company Mistral. Add the opened vanilla pod. Cook until tender, let cool.

Шаг 4

In the cooled porridge add spread, vanilla (powder, if there is no vanilla bean), 1-2 tablespoons of lemon juice. In a blender, whisk, or rather, punching until smooth our cream.

Шаг 5

A beautiful and shiny, with specks of vanilla, fragrant cream. Holds its shape well - you can decorate the cakes.

Шаг 6

Шаг 7

For our turret will need 2 circles white and black.
You can do just the pour of dark chocolate, melt it in the microwave. You can use white frosting is dry. milk, but use it little.
For a spectacular and delicious white circle it is necessary to prepare sugar fondant. I was pre-welded, just need to slightly heat it. The composition of this caramel syrup with lemon juice and mixed well until required consistency. In the comments there is a detailed description."

Шаг 8

We will prepare a chocolate ganache that goes well with a biscuit and blueberries. In the microwave melt dark chocolate, stirring occasionally so as not burnt and not too hot. Add to the hot lemon juice (5 tbsp) and mix well. It is better to punch in a blender for Shine and uniformity.

Шаг 9

Neatly placed on top of the white circle, it is extruded from Kond. bag chocolate ganache. Between the peaks of the chocolate beautifully, add blueberries. Cover with a second biscuit.

Шаг 10

Now the most important thing and beautiful. Do "angel hair". Rushy melt the sugar, which will give beautiful color to our caramel threads. I used Demerara from the Mistral. In a dry saucepan pour the sugar, add 5 tablespoons of water and cook. Cook, cook, cook. To a temperature 118С. A little cool and beautiful, gently waving a pen and make these beautiful thread - "angel hair".

Шаг 11

On the top half of the biscuit around the perimeter of Kond beautifully put. bag ukrashatelnoy bit. Spread on top of caramel threads. Hmmm, nice and tasty! Help yourself.

Шаг 12

Шаг 13