Panna cotta with peaches

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If you love creamy desserts, don't pass by this recipe. Flavored Panna cotta with a delicate kompostirovanie peaches. What could be better on a summer evening?

Ingredients for Panna cotta with peaches

Step by step instruction of cooking Panna cotta with peaches

Шаг 1

Sheet gelatin soaked in a large quantity of cold water for 10 min.

Шаг 2

In cream add 2 tbsp of sugar, raumati.

Шаг 3

I used sugar "Mistral - small".

Шаг 4

In a saucepan bring to boil the cream with sugar. Remove from the heat and introduce the squeezed out gelatine and a few drops of vanilla essence (or vanilla). Stir to dissolve the gelatin.

To prepare 3 a serving Cup and pour them in the cream mixture. Refrigerate for 3-4 hours until firm mass.

Шаг 5

On the peaches to make cuts crosswise.

Шаг 6

In a saucepan, bring water to a boil, throw into it the peaches, cook for 30 seconds. Take out and remove the skin. It is very easy!

Шаг 7

In a pan pour 2 tbsp of sugar, pour 1 tbsp of water, bring to a boil. Add the sliced peaches and cook (komputerowej) about 3-4 minutes until soft.

Remove from heat and completely cool.

Шаг 8

For kompostirovanija I used sugar "Mistral - the universal".

Before serving peaches to put on top of cream layer and serve immediately!
You can decorate with mint leaves.