Chicken with cranberry mustard sauce

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Chicken in a very tasty, spicy, slightly sour-bitter sauce.

Ingredients for Chicken with cranberry mustard sauce

Step by step instruction of cooking Chicken with cranberry mustard sauce

Шаг 1

Chicken is cut, season with salt and pepper, add thyme.

Шаг 2

Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan (my wok) and fry the chicken until Golden brown.

Шаг 3

Cook foods for the sauce.

Шаг 4

Chicken remove from the pan.

Шаг 5

In a pan pour the broth, add the mustard.

Шаг 6

Add the sour cream.

Шаг 7

Add the cranberry sauce D arbo.

Шаг 8

All stir well, bring to a boil. Reduce the heat to medium and cook until the sauce thickens, about 7 minutes.

Шаг 9

Return the chicken to the pan and cook for another 6 minutes, stirring occasionally. Try on salt and pepper.