Puff jellied chicken

0.6k - 200 минут 5 порции

Very festive and impressive dish. Delicious and obscene! Being prepared is easy and does not require large expenditures. Help yourself, dear!

Ingredients for Puff jellied chicken

Step by step instruction of cooking Puff jellied chicken

Шаг 1

Boil the breast. The broth should get not less than 650 g for these proportions of the ingredients. The broth season with salt, cool, degrease (I do so: urine gauze in ice-cold boiled (optional) water and filtered through her cold broth).

Шаг 2

Put in the broth gelatin and allow to swell for 40-60 minutes. Put on the stove and heat the broth, stirring constantly to dissolve the gelatin (to boil it!). Then divide the broth into three parts: 300g/200g/150g.

Шаг 3

Greens finely chop and mix with 300g. broth.

Шаг 4

Pour into mold (silicone - very easy to remove) and allow to solidify. Me on the balcony froze in 20 minutes.

Шаг 5

The chicken to separate the fibers. Add crushed garlic, pepper and

Шаг 6

200g. broth.

Шаг 7

Stir and pour on top of first layer with greens. Also to thicken.

Шаг 8

Mayonnaise beat with a mixer with 150g. broth. The better the beat, the milder it gets soufflé.

Шаг 9

Pour the final layer on top of the meat and sent to the cold to harden.

Шаг 10

Take out form our aspic "log", cut it into serving pieces and entertained the guests!