Chicken breast under a secret veil

0.6k - 20 минут 3 порции

Tender tasty chicken in 20 minutes!

Ingredients for Chicken breast under a secret veil

Step by step instruction of cooking Chicken breast under a secret veil

Шаг 1

Cut the chicken breast cubes. Pour the olive oil into the pan and slightly warmed. Put our chicken into the pan and fry over medium heat for about 15-20 min. Just add salt!

Шаг 2

P. S. as promised tell you about the secret ingredient. I read that semolina, made of wheat durum, useful for our body. because unlike regular decoys, it contains complex carbohydrates, which contributes to weight gain. It turns out semolina is made from soft wheat varieties (and such as were most) and from the TV wheat varieties (in my town, I found only 1 in the photo you see it). In short, the main thing when you look for semolina from durum, see that the pack was written "made from durum wheat!"

Шаг 3

Cook until until the sauce thickens.

Шаг 4

Then, turn off the heat and serve with your favourite side dish)))