Cake "Bananas"

0.5k - 15 минут 25 порции

Cute hostess! It is a simple and quick brownie recipe with cottage cheese. all the advice!

Ingredients for Cake "Bananas"

Step by step instruction of cooking Cake "Bananas"

Шаг 1

Melt margarine, baking soda to extinguish in sour cream

Шаг 2

All the ingredients mix well. in flour, add sour cream, baking soda, margarine and knead the dough. the dough should be soft, not stick to the hands

Шаг 3

Close the dough with cling film and put in the freezer for 30 min.

Шаг 4

Take the dough and roll 1 mm thick in oval shape, so it was easy to give shape. in the middle put the filling

Шаг 5

Morsel to attach and give shape to a banana

Шаг 6

Baking sheet spread with butter, and put our cake and insert into the preheated oven. bake at 180C

Шаг 7

Our bananas are ready! top can be sprinkled with powdered sugar.

Шаг 8

Help yourself!