Lamb soup with rice and plum

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Pretty easy, but at the same time full-bodied, flavorful soup. Chilli spices and plum flavor and acidity.

Ingredients for Lamb soup with rice and plum

Step by step instruction of cooking Lamb soup with rice and plum

Шаг 1

1. Ribs cut, wash, put in a saucepan. Pour water and cook on slow fire to readiness of meat. Then remove the meat, strain the broth and pour again into the pan. The meat separated from the bones and cut into pieces.

Шаг 2

2. Potatoes, onions and carrots to clean. wash. Cut the potatoes into medium dice. onion small cubes, carrots grate on a grater.

Шаг 3

3. Plum spread into a ladle, pour little water and boil until soft.

Шаг 4

4. Then the plums through a sieve, add passed through the press garlic, sugar, finely chopped chilli. You should get around 150g sauce.

Шаг 5

5. In broth to put potatoes, onions and carrots, cook for 5 minutes, then add rice.

Шаг 6

6. When the rice is ready, remove the meat, add the plum sauce, bring to boil, add salt and remove from heat.

Шаг 7

7. If not everyone likes spicy, the sauce can be submitted separately and each will add his own dish according to your taste.
Bon appetit!