Cabbage rolls from Cipolini

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Cabbage rolls how to cook everything. Offer your own version.

Ingredients for Cabbage rolls from Cipolini

Step by step instruction of cooking Cabbage rolls from Cipolini

Шаг 1

Cabbage disassembled on the leaves, and steamed in hot water.

Шаг 2

Boil the rice in salted water until soft.
Rinse in cold water.

Шаг 3

Onions to clear, cut half rings.
Carrots to clear, RUB on a large grater.

Шаг 4

Mushrooms pour boiling water let stand for about an hour.
After a good wash and cut (whichever you like).

Шаг 5

Salo cut into small cubes.

Шаг 6

Fat fry until Golden brown. To take the finished skwarecki.
Fat to leave.

Шаг 7

In the resulting fat fry the onions and carrots.

Шаг 8

All ingredients, except cabbage, together, season with salt and pepper, add the Bay leaf and stir thoroughly. The beef is ready.

Шаг 9

Put on fire, bring to boil and simmer over low heat until tender.
Bon appetit!