Cake-souffle "BlackBerry" on motives of Spanish " tarta de arroz con leche"

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Will tell You, dear Cooks the story of my acquaintance with the Spanish dessert " arroz con leche" - translated rice with milk! A few years ago, I was invited to the party: a wonderful buffet table, pleasant company, an interesting controversy and it was time for dessert. My Spanish friend was a little nervous taking important guests, asked me to look ready for dessert. I saw a small palochka sweet rice milk porridge, well, I'm her habit and warmed up in the oven! Still surprised - do not know how the Spaniards cakes or cakes baking porridge for dessert! When the waiters gave the guests hot rice pudding-all eyes climbed on his forehead! Ate of course, people brought up, but I did eat this dessert cold, like ice cream. Here's an interesting incident -a familiar dish, and eating it in different countries in different ways! It's been 12 years, but as a meet, I always remember my hot surprise! In explanation of the Spanish dessert and my memories, as well as the availability of blackberries in the fridge, I realized the recipe for this airy cake.

Ingredients for Cake-souffle "BlackBerry" on motives of Spanish " tarta de arroz con leche"

Step by step instruction of cooking Cake-souffle "BlackBerry" on motives of Spanish " tarta de arroz con leche"

Шаг 1

Boil the rice in salted water until tender.

Шаг 2

The dough spread on the form, prick with a fork and bake for 15 minutes at 190 degrees until done.

Шаг 3

1 liter of milk put on medium heat, add the zest of one lemon, a cinnamon stick and sugar. Bring to a boil, reduce the heat to minimum and cook for 7-10 minutes.

Шаг 4

Remove from the milk, zest and cinnamon and add the rice. Stir and boil for another five minutes.

Шаг 5

The gelatin to prepare the way stated on the package and add to the rice. Beat with a mixer.

Шаг 6

The blackberries through a sieve.

Шаг 7

Rice mousse divide into two unequal parts. At least add the mashed blackberries, pour into mold ( shape should be smaller in size than the form in which you will make your cake) and send in the freezer for 1 hour to solidify.

Шаг 8

The cream will beat into a soft mousse with a mixer and add the white rice mousse.

Шаг 9

When BlackBerry mousse hardens, put it on the cooled cake and pour on top of white rice mousse. Put overnight in the fridge.

Шаг 10

Gently loosen the cake from the mold and garnish with blackberries.