Jam from carrots

494 - 40 минут -

Dear cooks and guests I bring to your attention the recipe is easy to prepare jam, but at the same time tasty. It is stored as clogged and in the bowl at room temperature covered with mold and is not oxidizing.

Ingredients for Jam from carrots

Step by step instruction of cooking Jam from carrots

Шаг 1

Carrot peel.

Шаг 2

Cut vegetable according to your wishes. You can julienne, dice 1 cm / 1 cm to make such a thread, I took a knife to cut cheese, cut carrots into slices and then each slice shredded fishnet strips.

Шаг 3

Berry juice mixed with water. Put chopped carrots in a saucepan and pour the berry solution. Put on medium heat.

Шаг 4

Proverjaem until soft carrots. I do not define an exact time, because carrots of different varieties has a different density. Put citric acid and proverjaem 5 minutes.

Шаг 5

Add sugar, stir and proverjaem on minimum heat for 20 - 25 minutes.

Шаг 6

I have the time 20 - 25 minutes because to determine the readiness of the syrup we will be putting some drops on a flat surface. If the drops do not spread and kept a rounded shape, the jam is ready.

Шаг 7

The jam is ready. A wooden spatula can be seen that the pieces of carrot have not lost their shape.

Шаг 8

Jam of carrots ready.

Шаг 9

Bon appétit!