Pancakes fingers with minced meat

0.8k 5 / 5 60 минут 4 порции

Very tender and very tasty!

Ingredients for Pancakes fingers with minced meat

Step by step instruction of cooking Pancakes fingers with minced meat

Шаг 1

Make the batter for the pancakes.

Шаг 2

Bake thin pancakes, the thinner, the better it will roll up.

Шаг 3

Then proceed to the mince meat, onion, garlic, all through a meat grinder or blender, salt and pepper to taste, knead well.

Шаг 4

Finished pancakes cut into 4 parts.

Шаг 5

Stuffing to form, in the form of fingers and on the edge of the piece of pancake.

Шаг 6

And twist, put a matchbox for comparison.

Шаг 7

Then put in kazanacak on the bottom of the thin platelets of oil, then the finished pancakes and, again, several thin plastinated oil, and so each layer.

Шаг 8

Warmed in a water bath for 25-30 min.

Шаг 9

And all eat and enjoy!:)

Bon appetit!